28 April 2009

Olesya Khanina (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)

Issues in phonetics & phonology of Enets (Uralic)

In this purely descriptive talk, I will give an overview of phonemic inventory of Enets and its phonetic realization, or rather I will try to show which phonetic details make their way into phonological system, and which fail to do it. Issues presenting particular problems (for some of which I do not have any decisions yet) will be discussed at detail: long vowels, back vowel phonemes (does Enets have three of them or only two?), unstable final vowels, front vowel free(?) variation, glottal stop and glottalization, gemination. This study reflects my work in progress documentation of Enets, of which phonology is only a subpart along with morphology and syntax, and is based on my field data from 2008.

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