Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, A STUDENT'S INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Cambridge University Press, 2005)


1. Are the following clauses grammatically positive or negative? Give evidence for your answers.

Ex She unpacked her suitcases.
A This clause is positive. (a) It doesn't allow the not even construction: *She unpacked her suitcases, not even the big one. (b) It takes connective so rather than neither or nor: She unpacked her suitcases and so did her mother. (c) The appropriate confirmatory tag is negative: She unpacked her suitcases, didn't she?
Ex I have nothing to offer them.
A This clause is negative. (a) It allows the not even construction: We have nothing to offer them, not even some bread and butter. (b) It takes connective neither or nor, not so: We have nothing to offer them and neither do my parents. (c) The appropriate confirmatory tag is positive: We have nothing to offer them, do we? (or, for some speakers, %We have nothing to offer them have we?)

2. The following examples have non-verbal clausal negation; construct equivalent examples with verbal negation.

Ex We have nothing to offer them.
A We don't have anything to offer them. (Or %We haven't anything to offer them.)
Ex They accepted none of our recommendations.
A They didn't accept any of our recommendations.

3. {No model answer appropriate for Ex 3.}

4. For each of the following words or expressions, construct one example where it behaves as a non-affirmative item and one where it is not polarity-sensitive:

Ex have a clue
A Non-affirmative use: None of us have a clue what the test is going to be about.

Use where it is not polarity-sensitive: I have a clue that I'll give you if you need some help.

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