This is an archive page; this conference occurred in 2003.
The next mfm will be held on 20-22 May 2004.

The website for the 12mfm is available here.

...the North West Centre for Linguistics presents...
mfm image
The 11th 
Manchester Phonology Meeting

Thursday 22nd - Saturday 24th May 2003


Thursday 22nd May

REGISTRATION: starts at 11.30

MIDDAY MEAL: 12.15 - 1.15

1.15 - 1.30  Opening address and welcome

1.30 - 2.05 
The role of memory in phonological development 
Marilyn May Vihman, University of Wales Bangor
1.30 - 2.05 
Theoretical Implications of Post-lexical Structure Preservation in Suya
Daniel L. Everett, University of Manchester
2.05 - 2.40 
The nature of phonological representations in children with Specific Language Impairment
Chloe Marshall, UCL
2.05 - 2.40 
Syncope in Crimean Tatar
Darya Kavitskaya; Yale University
2.40 - 3.15 
Derived environment effects in phonological acquisition 
Daniel A. Dinnsen and Laura W. McGarrity, Indiana University 
2.40 - 3.15 
The unnatural tonology of Zina Kotoko
David Odden, Durham University
3.15 - 3.50 
First language acquisition and Broca’s aphasia: Evidence for the emergence of the unmarked
Janet Grijzenhout, Utrecht University, and Martina Penke, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf
3.15 - 3.50 
Diacronic vs. Synchronic Consonant-Tone Interaction
Mary M. Bradshaw, Kyungpook National Universit

TEA, COFFEE and BISCUITS: 3.50 - 4.20

4.20 - 4.55 
Restructuring rhythm patterns
Maartje Schreuder & Dicky Gilbers, University of Groningen
4.20 - 4.55 
Dependent A 
Ben Hermans, Tilburg University
4.55 - 5.30
ANCHOR-RIGHT and Polish truncation 
Dorota Glowacka, UCL
4.55 - 5.30 
What sonorants do in positional plight 
Tobias Scheer, University of Nice
5.30 - 6.05 
M2: The missing link in the analysis of onset clusters and codas 
Karen Baertsch & Stuart Davis, Indiana University 
5.30 - 6.05 
Phonetics and function in diachronic conflict: the case of rising tones
Daniel Silverman, UIUC

6.05 onwards - setting up the poster display for Friday's Poster Session


Friday 23rd May

9.00 - 9.35 
Uniformity And Contrast In Hungarian Past Tense Forms
Viktor Tron, University of Edinburgh & Saarland University, and, Peter Rebrus, Research Institute for Linguistics, Budapest
9.00 - 9.35 
Metrical theories and the change from left to right word-edge main stress in the historical phonology of Polish and Latin
Haike Jacobs, University of Nijmegen
9.35 - 10.10 
Voice by design or default: the example of French /R/
Eric Russell Webb, Western Michigan University
9.35 - 10.10 
Fossils of a former phonological rule: irregular Italian raddoppiamento fonosintattico
Richard Waltereit, University of Tuebingen 
10.10 - 10.45 
Prosodic Control: Consonant Clusters in Modern Hebrew 
Dafna Graf, Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf
10.10 - 10.45 
Perceptual and articulatory aspects of reductive innovations
Randall Gess, University of Utah

TEA, COFFEE and BISCUITS: 10.45 - 11.15

11.15 - 1.00  POSTER SESSION- click here to see a list of the posters and their presenters.

MIDDAY MEAL: 1.00 - 2.00

2.00 - 5.30  Special Session: Historical Phonology and Phonological Theory
2.00 - 2.30  Paul Kiparsky, Stanford University, Diachronic evidence for Stratal OT
2.30 - 3.00  Aditi Lahiri, Universitat Konstanz, On restraining featural and tonal modifications in Germanic
3.00 - 3.30  Mark Hale, Concordia University, The “diachronic filter” and phonological theory
TEA, COFFEE and BISCUITS: 3.30 - 4.00
4.00 - 4.30  April McMahon, Sheffield University, The Cinderella Syndrome: historical evidence and phonological theory
4.30 - 5.30  Questions and general discussion


Saturday 24th May

9.00 - 9.35 
On the leftward displacement of main stress
Glyne L. Piggott, McGill University
9.35 - 10.10 
Towards a quantitative analysis of voiceless fricatives 
Marc van Oostendorp, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam
9.35 - 10.10 
The interaction of clitics and stress assignment in Old Irish
Thorhallur Eythorsson, University of Manchester 
10.10 - 10.45 
Sonorant obstruents: features, levels, or constraints?
Olga Petrova, University of Iowa and Kirkwood Community College 
Szilard Szentgyorgyi, University of Veszprem 
10.10 - 10.45 
De-accenting within phrases and sentences: evidence from Arabic for cross-linguistic & cross-dialectal prosodic variation.
Sam Hellmuth, SOAS

TEA, COFFEE and BISCUITS: 10.45 - 11.15

11.15 - 11.50 
Non-lambdicity in English: the phonetics and phonology of /l/ vocalisation and /l/-sandhi 
James M Scobbie, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
11.15 - 11.50 
Re-reevaluating Local Conjunction
Jill Beckman, University of Iowa
11.50 - 12.25 
Steps towards a phonology for conversation: the use of non-modal voice quality in the management of turn-taking.
Richard Ogden, University of York
11.50 - 12.25 
Constraint Cumulation Theory: A New Synthesis 
Russell Norton, University of Essex & SIL International
12.25 - 1.00 
Why not bend our tongue tips backwards! Four diachronic developments of retroflex consonants
Silke Hamann, ZAS Berlin
12.25 - 1.00 
Counterbleeding opacity in Standard Japanese verb morphology
Kan Sasaki, Sapporo Gakuin University

MIDDAY MEAL: 1.00 - 2.00

2.00 - 2.35 
Hungarian Voicing Assimilation non categorically speaking
Zoe Toft, SOAS, and Wouter Jansen, Univeristy of Groningen
2.00 - 2.35 
Anti-antigemination: syncope and epenthesis in Telugu
Madelyn Kissock, Oakland University, and Charles Reiss, Concordia University
2.35 - 3.10 
Phonetics in Phonology and Phonology in Phonetics
Abigail Cohn, Cornell University
2.35 - 3.10 
A hidden geminate and phonological opacity in Veneto Italian
Martin Kramer, University of Ulster

3.10 - 3.45 
The Analysis of Geminates: Evidence from Sinhala
Catherine O. Ringen, University of Iowa, and Robert M. Vago, Queens College and The Graduate Center CUNY

3.45 End of the 11mfm...


Schwa in English
Katalin Balogne Berces, ELTE University and PPKE University, Budapest

Phonetics and diachrony of Sardinian and Romance retroflexes
Chiara Celata, Scuola Normale Superiore

Vowel systems, Danish and phonological theory
Jacques Durand, Universite de Toulouse II & CNRS/ERSS

Towards a simplification of the definition of the celtic consonantal mutation domain
Sandrine Ferre, Universite de Nantes

The phonologization of Germanic ge-
Paula Fikkert, University of Nijmegen, and Astrid Kraehenmann, University of Konstanz

Doing the impossible: Old English fricatives and change in laryngeal specifications
Patrick Honeybone, Edge Hill College of Higher Education

“Homogeneity of Target, Heterogeneity of Process” in Czech -sky
Katherine Ketner, University of Cambridge

Polish trapped sonorants and strict CV
Artur Kijak, University of Silesia, Katowice

The Reversal Of The NURSE/NORTH Merger In Tyneside English: Phonetically Gradual, Lexically Specific Change.
Warren Maguire, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Old English Hiatus
Monika Maria Opalinska, Warsaw University

Aphasia, dysarthria and the prosodic hierarchy
Ester M. Scarpa, University of Campinas, Brazil

Patterns of /r/ variation in Dutch: a factorial typology
Koen Sebregts, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS

Page created by Patrick Honeybone
                                                                      Last updated 20th May 2003