This is an archive page; this conference occurred in May 1999.

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The 7th Manchester Phonology Meeting

!!!NEW!!! Parasession on Stress and Metrics !!!NEW!!! 
Organised by Chris McCully (University of Manchester) 
Friday 14 May 2.00 - 6.00 pm 
Speakers include: Wim Zonneveld (Utrecht), Michael Redford (Leiden), Martin Duffell (QMW, London) and John Hutton (Cambridge) 
The main quadrangle 
The University of Manchester 

The 7th Manchester Phonology Meeting

University of Manchester, 13-15 May 1999

Call for Papers

The North-West Centre for Linguistics and the Universities of Toulouse-Le Mirail and
Paris X-Nanterre
The 7th Manchester Phonology Meeting
Thursday 13 May to Saturday 15 May 1999

We are pleased to announce our 7th Manchester Phonology Meeting. For the past six years, this meeting has been one of the important venues for phonologists from all corners of the world. In an informal atmosphere, we discuss a wide range of topics, from the phonological description of languages to the acquisition of phonology by children. We, therefore, invite abstracts for full papers or poster presentations from phonologists, phoneticians, psychologists, sociolinguists, computational linguists - in short, anyone interested in exploring current models of phonological theory and the (cognitive, phonetic, sociological, computational...) implications of such work. Presentations on a variety of languages are welcome.

The conference venue is the Hulme Hall lecture suite at the University of Manchester, which is located only a couple of miles south of the city centre (see maps and How to get to Hulme Hall [links removed]). Information about inexpensive local hotels (rooms from GBP20.00 per night, incl. breakfast) can be found on the travel and accommodation page [link removed], and we would ask participants to make their own reservations. Should you want to make other arrangements for your stay in Manchester, you will find further details (e.g. the address of the Visitor Information Centre) on the travel and accommodation page. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer crash space.

The conference fee will be GBP78.00 (for bookings received by 1 April 1999), which covers general conference costs (room and equipment hire, stationery etc.), lunch on all three days, dinner at the Vice-Chancellor's residence on Thursday evening, and tea/coffee and biscuits during the breaks. (Packages excluding one or more meals are also available at a reduced rate - see the reply form [link removed]). The conference fee is due for payment at the time of booking. Please use the reply form for this purpose and return it to us with a cheque (UK banks only) made payable to the University of Manchester (CS332RJ). Alternatively, you can pay by credit card, also using the reply form.

Prospective speakers should e-mail a title and a one-page abstract no later than Monday 15 March 1999 to:

Abstracts should be no longer than one side of A4 (21 c x 29.7 c; 12pt, 2.5 cm margins), including references. They can be sent as part of normal e-mail messages, or as Word or WordPerfect files. The poster session last year proved so successful that we are now inviting submissions for either full papers or posters. Please indicate which you would prefer, although the organisers reserve the right to accept an abstract for a format other than that suggested by the author(s). Full papers will be allocated a 45-minute slot - 35 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. An overhead projector will, of course, be available. If you need other technical equipment, please give us plenty of notice and we will do our best to provide it.

If you are unable to submit your abstract by e-mail, please post or fax it to:

All abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Organising Committee, and acceptance notification will be sent out by 26 March 1999. There will be 13 talks and a 90-minute poster session for up to 17 posters. To give an indication of the general format, we are making Last Year's Programme (6th Manchester Phonology Meeting) available here.

An innovation this year is a parasession on stress and metrics, organised and chaired by Chris McCully (University of Manchester). The inclusion of such a parasession in the programme derives from the intensive work that is being undertaken in the related fields of stress and metrics (Hayes 1995; Hanson & Kiparsky 1996; McCully & Anderson (eds.) 1996; Halle 1998, to name but four significant recent works), and the parasession will evaluate four contributions to stress theory, and to a theory of metre. Speakers will include Wim Zonneveld (Utrecht), Michael Redford (Leiden), Martin Duffell (QMW, London) and John Hutton (Cambridge). We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by Funded by the Departments of Linguistics and English & American Studies, University of Manchester, and the University of Manchester Small Grants Fund, without which this venture would not have been possible.

The parasession will be held at Hulme Hall on the afternoon of Friday 14 May, and will begin at 2 pm. Papers will last for 20 minutes and will each be followed by a 10-minute discussion period. After a break for tea, there will be a workshop and discussion session (4.30 - 6 pm) chaired by Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero (University of Manchester), at which points arising from the papers can be developed, or new issues raised.

The aim of the parasession is to establish a benchmark for current work in these related fields, and at the same time to compare approaches, exchange references, and to investigate where this part of the discipline might be leading. We hope that the workshop will attract a wide and thought-provoking range of views.

At present, there are no plans for publishing the proceedings of the Meeting. We would like to keep it an informal forum where speakers can air new ideas which are still in the early stages of development.

If you would like to attend, please get in touch as soon as possible. You can e-mail us with your details ( or print, complete and post (or fax) the reply form [link removed].


Final Programme
Travel and Accommodation Page [links removed]
How to get to Hulme Hall
Reply Form

This page was created by Wiebke Brockhaus.
Last updated 11 May 1999. Moved to the mfm website in Edinburgh in March 2006.