Geoffrey K. Pullum: Full Publications List

This is a list in forward chronological order of everything linguistic that I have published in my 53 years of publication activity. Click on the year of publication if you know it.

1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Letters to journals, magazines, or newspapers are listed here only in rare cases with have some significance, like items 73 (1982), 234 (2009), and 273 (2017). One poem is included (item 191, in 2000), but note that it restates a general proof of the unsolvability of the Halting Problem for computing machines and appeared as a refereed publication in a mathematics journal. (Sadly, the referee missed an error, so the published version had a bug, but a corrected browsable version is now available here, and has now been printed in a discrete mathematics textbook.) My TOPIC...COMMENT pieces (1983–1989) are listed; although they were not research publications they did appear in a refereed journal, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. (Two are actually works of fiction: items 120 [1986] and 143 [1989].)

Online publications are not always included. Items 255 and 258 [2011] were refereed, and item 293 is included because it is widely available (it topped the download charts for some of October 2022). There are separate lists for my my 679 ‘Language Log’ posts to April 2008 here, and the 710 newer ones here. My 360 Lingua Franca pieces for The Chronicle of Higher Education are not included; they are currently behind a paywall. This list enumerates them, but the links point to pages that are only freely browsable by subscribers to The Chronicle of Higher Education. You can see two of them per month if you register, but that's pretty stingy. The ones that were picked up to appear in print in The Chronicle Review are included as print publications below.

When a working paper was revised and published in final form elsewhere with a different title and/or year, the two versions get separate entries, cross-referenced. Links to PDFs are usually pre-final drafts that I am legally permitted to share, not the final versions guarded by the fierce dogs of commercial copyright; please check the printed source before quoting in print.

On 2 July 2011 I had to make a small revision and reordering of items from the 1980s (a year-of-publication error had crept in); but for the most part the item numbers in this list have been stable for many years, and I think all the bibliographical details are now correct.


  1. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1970): The names of Indian and Pakistani immigrants. English For Immigrants 4, 23–27.
  2. Abbs, Brian and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1970): Experience in communication. Spoken English 3, 2–8.
  3. 1971

  4. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1971): Indian scripts and the teacher of English. English Language Teaching 25, 278–284.
  5. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1971): A note on the origins of pidgins and creoles. York Papers in Linguistics 1, 105–108.
  6. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and I. Lloyd Humberstone (1971): Science, theory, and dogma. (Review article on An Essay on Language by Robert A. Hall, Jr.) York Papers in Linguistics 1, 123–131.
  7. 1972

  8. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1972): Grammars, competence, and linguistic intuitions. Linguistische Berichte 21, 55–64.
  9. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1972): Pronunciation. (A review of SCOPE Handbook 2: Pronunciation by Elizabeth Rudd.) Multiracial School 1, 29–30.
  10. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1972): Free variation and equivalence relations. York Papers in Linguistics 2, 129–132. (Working-paper version of note published in IJAL as next item.)
  11. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1972): Free variation isn't symmetric, either. International Journal of American Linguistics 38, 268–270. (Refereed version of previous item.)
  12. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1972): Race and intelligence. (A review of Race, Culture and Intelligence edited by Ken Richardson et al.) Multiracial School 2 (Autumn 1972), 24–26.
  13. 1973

  14. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1973): Yokuts bibliography: an addendum. International Journal of American Linguistics 39, 269–271.
  15. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1973): Sheltering environments and negative contexts: a case against making rules state things that don't happen. Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics 4, 31–41.
  16. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1973): What's this sentence doing showing up in English? York Papers in Linguistics 3, 113–115.
  17. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1973): Review of Introduction to the Principles of Language, by Paul Gaeng. Linguistics 111, 115–126. (Earlier version published in York Papers in Linguistics 2, 211–221.)
  18. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1973): Review of Applications of Linguistics, edited by G. Perren and J. L. M. Trim. York Papers in Linguistics 3, 141–148.
  19. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1973): Review of Mathematical Structures of Language, by Zellig Harris. York Papers in Linguistics 3, 169–174.
  20. 1974

  21. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1974): Restating Doubl-ing. Glossa 8, 109–120.
  22. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1974): Lowth's grammar: a re-evaluation. Linguistics 137, 63–78.
  23. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1974): A note on coordination reduction and word order in Hindi. Working Papers on Language Universals (Stanford University) 14, 95–101.
  24. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1974): Review of Linguistic Change and Generative Theory, ed. by Robert P. Stockwell and Ronald K. S. Macaulay. Neophilologus 58, 138–144.
  25. 1975

  26. Goyvaerts, Didier L. and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editors (1975): Essays on the Sound Pattern of English. Story-Scientia, Ghent, Belgium; x + 580pp.
  27. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1975): On a nonargument for the cycle in Turkish. Linguistic Inquiry 6, 494–501.
  28. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1975): On linguistically insignificant generalizations. York Papers in Linguistics 5, 97–110.
  29. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Andrew Radford (1975): On the applicability of Raising. York Papers in Linguistics 5, 181–184.
  30. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1975): People Deletion in English. Working Papers in Linguistics 14, 95–101. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
  31. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1975): Squish: a final squash. Nottingham Linguistic Circular 10, 25.
  32. 1976

  33. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1976): The Duke of York gambit. Journal of Linguistics 12, 83–102.
  34. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1976): Sequential and simultaneous rule application in Spanish phonology. Lingua 38, 221–262.
  35. Gazdar, Gerald and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1976): Truth-functional connectives in natural language. Papers from the Twelfth Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society, 220–234.
  36. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1976): On the nonexistence of the verb-auxiliary distinction in English. Nottingham Linguistic Circular 10, 20–23.
  37. Lass, Roger and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1976): In defence of British linguistics. The Times Higher Education Supplement 251, 7.
  38. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1976): Review of Linguistics in the Netherlands 1972–1973, ed. by A. Kraak. Journal of Linguistics 12, 372–373.
  39. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1976): Review of Semantic Syntax, edited by Pieter A. M. Seuren. Journal of Literary Semantics 5, 91–96.
  40. 1977

  41. Pullum, Geoffrey and Deirdre Wilson (1977): Autonomous syntax and the analysis of auxiliaries. Language 53, 741–788.
  42. Langendoen, D. Terence and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1977): Preposition stranding in English: A problem and a mystery. In Samuel E. Fox, Woodford A. Beach, and Shulamith Philosoph, editors, CLS Book of Squibs/Cumulative Index 1968–1977, 64–65. Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, Illinois.
  43. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Stephen Harlow (1977): Vowel height features and arithmetic. York Papers in Linguistics 7, 187–193.
  44. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1977): Word order universals and grammatical relations. In Peter Cole and Jerrold Sadock, editors, Syntax and Semantics 8: Grammatical Relations, 249–277. Academic Press, New York.
  45. Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, and Geoffrey Pullum (1977): Cumulative index, 1968–1977, papers from the Regional Meetings and Paravolumes. In Samuel E. Fox, Woodford A. Beach, and Shulamith Philosoph, editors, CLS Book of Squibs/Cumulative Index 1968–1977, 111–174.
  46. Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1977): A bibliography of pragmatics. Pragmatics Microfiche 2.5, D12-G14.
  47. 1978

  48. Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan H. Klein, and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1978): A Bibliography of Contemporary Linguistic Research. Garland, New York; xx + 425pp.
  49. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Arnold M. Zwicky (1978): Self-domination. Linguistic Inquiry 9, 326–327.
  50. Postal, Paul M. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1978): Traces and the description of English complementizer contraction. Linguistic Inquiry 9, 1–29.
  51. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1978): Language and genocide. Survival International Review 3.2, 16–17.
  52. Postal, Paul M. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1978): Some other things they did not trouble to mention. IBM Research Report no. RC 7227 (#31116), July 21, 1978. (Published in 1979 after revision, as 'On an inadequate defense of "trace theory" ', item 48.)
  53. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1978): Review of Assessing Linguistic Arguments, ed. by Jessica Wirth. Language 54, 399–402.
  54. 1979

  55. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1979): Rule Interaction and the Organization of a Grammar. Garland, New York; viii + 413pp.
  56. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1979): The nonexistence of the trace-binding algorithm. Linguistic Inquiry 10, 356–362.
  57. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Paul M. Postal (1979): On an inadequate defense of "trace theory". Linguistic Inquiry 10, 689–706. (Earlier IBM Research Report version circulated as 'Some other things they did not trouble to mention', 1978, item 44.)
  58. Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1979): A select bibliography of Guiana Carib languages. International Journal of American Linguistics 45, 271–276.
  59. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1979): Review of Universals of Human Language (4 volumes), ed. by Joseph Greenberg. Linguistics 17, 925–930.
  60. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1979): Review of The Application and Ordering of Grammatical Rules, ed. by Andreas Koutsoudas. Journal of Linguistics 15, 179–187.
  61. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1979): Review of Fundamentals of Mathematics for Linguistics, by Barbara Hall Partee. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 9, 81–83.
  62. 1980

  63. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1980): Languages in which movement does not parallel bound anaphora. Linguistic Inquiry 11, 613–620.
  64. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1980): Good grammar: Is it really necessary? The Times Higher Educational Supplement, January 11, 1980, p. 12.
  65. Robert D. Borsley and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1980): Comments on the two central claims of 'trace theory'. Linguistics 18, 73–104.
  66. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1980): Syntactic relations and linguistic universals. Transactions of the Philological Society 1980, 1–39. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.
  67. Gazdar, Gerald and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1980): There is there. York Papers in Linguistics 8, 199–200.
  68. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1980): Pronunciation guide to Carol Watson and Dolores Bereijo, Round the World in Spanish, 42–47. Usborne Publishing, London.
  69. 1981

  70. Gazdar, Gerald and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1981): Subcategorization, constituent order, and the notion 'head'. In Michael Moortgat, Harry van der Hulst, and Teun Hoekstra, editors: The Scope of Lexical Rules, 107–123. Foris, Dordrecht, Holland. Also in Linguistic Society of Korea, editors: Linguistics in the Morning Calm, 195–209. Hanshin Publishing Company, Seoul, Korea, 1982.
  71. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1981): Evidence against the 'AUX' node in Luiseño and English. Linguistic Inquiry 12, 435–463.
  72. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1981): The category status of infinitival to. University of Washington Working Papers in Linguistics 6, 55–72. (Considerably revised version later published as Syncategorematicity and English infinitival to, 1982, item 77.)
  73. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1981): Languages with object before subject: A comment and a catalogue. Linguistics 19, 147–155.
  74. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1981): Notes on Jamaican grammar. Roots 2.2, 6–7.
  75. Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1981): Object-initial languages. International Journal of American Linguistics 47, 192–214. (Preliminary version published earlier in Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session 23, 1–34, 1979.)
  76. 1982

  77. Pauline Jacobson and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editors (1982): The Nature of Syntactic Representation. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland; xx+479pp. (With an introduction by the editors.)
  78. Gazdar, Gerald, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Ivan A. Sag (1982): Auxiliaries and related phenomena in a restrictive theory of grammar. Language 58, 591–638. (Preliminary version published by Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington, Indiana, June 1981. Earlier version published as A phrase structure grammar of the English auxiliary system in Stanford Working Papers in Grammatical Theory 1.A1-A124, 1980.)
  79. Postal, Paul M. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1982): The contraction debate. Linguistic Inquiry 13, 122–138.
  80. Gazdar, Gerald, Geoffrey K. Pullum, Ivan A. Sag, and Thomas Wasow (1982): Coordination and transformational grammar. Linguistic Inquiry 13, 663–677.
  81. Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Ivan A. Sag (1982): Coordination and unbounded dependencies. Developments in Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar: Stanford University Working Papers in Linguistics, Volume 2, 38–71. Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington, Indiana.
  82. Gazdar, Gerald and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1982): Easy to solve. Linguistic Analysis 11, 613–620.
  83. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1982): Free word order and phrase structure rules. In James Pustejovsky and Peter Sells, editors: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the North Eastern Linguistic Society, 209–220. Graduate Linguistics Student Association, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.
  84. Gazdar, Gerald and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1982): Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar: A Theoretical Synopsis. Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington, Indiana.
  85. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1982): [Untitled letter about word order universals, replying to F. Parker.] Linguistics 20, 339–344.
  86. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Gerald Gazdar (1982): Natural languages and context-free languages. Linguistics and Philosophy 4, 471–504.
  87. Gazdar, Gerald and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1982): Phrase structure and categorial syntax: A select bibliography of recent work. Stanford Working Papers in Grammatical Theory 2, 140–148. Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington, Indiana.
  88. Jean Mark Gawron, Jonathan King, John Lamping, Egon Loebner, Anne Paulson, Geoffrey K. Pullum, Ivan A. Sag, and Thomas Wasow (1982): Processing English with a generalized phrase structure grammar. In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 74–81. Association for Computational Linguistics, Menlo Park, California. (Also published in Hewlett-Packard Technical Notes series, note no. CSL-82-5, April 1982.)
  89. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1982): Syncategorematicity and English infinitival to. Glossa 16, 181–215. (Preliminary version published as The category status of infinitival to in 1981, item 61.)
  90. Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey K. Pullum, Ivan A. Sag, and Henry Thompson. (1982): Computational realization of a generalized phrase structure grammar: University of Sussex, England. SIGART Newsletter 79, 96–97. (Abstract of a research project, published by the Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group in Artificial Intelligence.)
  91. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1982): Book notice on The Phrase Phonology of English and French by Elisabeth O. Selkirk. Language 58, 947–948.
  92. 1983

  93. Arnold M. Zwicky and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1983): Cliticization versus inflection: English n't. Language 59, 502–513. Preliminary version published by Indiana University Linguistics Club, Bloomington, Indiana, May 1982. Chinese translation later published in Guówài Yuyànxué Linguistics Abroad 2, 11–18, 1985. Beijing, China.
  94. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1983): Context-freeness and the computer processing of human languages. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting, Association for Computational Linguistics, Menlo Park, California, 1–6.
  95. Arnold M. Zwicky and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1983): Deleting named morphemes. Lingua 59, 155–175.
  96. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1983): How many possible human languages are there? Linguistic Inquiry 14, 447–467.
  97. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1983): Morphophonemic rules, allophonic rules, and counterfeeding. Linguistic Inquiry 14, 179–184.
  98. Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editors (1983): Order, Concord, and Constituency. Foris, Dordrecht, Holland. x+219pp. (With an introduction by Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, and Geoffrey K. Pullum, 1–8.)
  99. Arnold M. Zwicky and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1983): Phonology in syntax: The Somali optional agreement rule. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 1, 385–402.
  100. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1983): Review of The Logical Problem of Language Acquisition, ed. by C. L. Baker and J. J. McCarthy. Canadian Philosophical Reviews 3, 49–51.
  101. Donka Farkas, Daniel P. Flickinger, Gerald Gazdar, William A. Ladusaw, Almerindo Ojeda, Jessie Pinkham, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Peter Sells (1983): Some revisions to the theory of features and feature instantiation. Proceedings of the ICOT Workshop on Non-transformational grammars, 11–13. Institute for New Generation Computer Technology (ICOT), Tokyo.
  102. Gawron, Jean Mark, E. Anne Paulson, Carl J. Pollard, Derek Proudian, Geoffrey K. Pullum, Ivan A. Sag, and Thomas Wasow (1983): The GPSG demonstration system. AT-Memo 83-6, Applications Technology Department, Computer Research Center, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California.
  103. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1983): Watch out for the current. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 1, 201–206. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  104. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1983): Linguists and computers. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 1, 311–315. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  105. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1983): The conduct of Linguistic Inquiry. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 1, 435–440. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  106. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1983): The revenge of the methodological moaners. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 1, 583–588. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  107. 1984

  108. Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Ivan A. Sag (1984): Foot features and parasitic gaps. In W. de Geest and Y. Putseys, eds., Sentential Complementation, 83–94. Foris, Dordrecht, Holland.
  109. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1984): Syntactic and semantic parsability. In COLING 84: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 112–122. Association for Computational Linguistics, Menlo Park, California.
  110. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Arnold M. Zwicky (1984): The syntax-phonology boundary and current syntactic theories. Working Papers in Linguistics 29, 105–116. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
  111. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1984): How complex could an agreement system be? In Gloria Alvarez, Belinda Brodie, and Terry McCoy, eds., Proceedings of the First Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, 79–103. Department of Linguistics, Ohio State University, Columbus OH. (Republished in slightly revised form as Logic, syntax, and grammatical agreement, 1985, item 105.)
  112. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1984): If it's Tuesday, this must be glossematics. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 2, 151–156. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  113. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1984): Stalking the perfect journal. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 2, 261–267. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  114. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1984): Noam Chomsky on the Enterprise. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 2, 349–355. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  115. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1984): Punctuation and human freedom. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 2, 419–425. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  116. 1985

  117. Gazdar, Gerald, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Ivan A. Sag (1985): Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. Basil Blackwell, Oxford; Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts; xii + 276pp. (Reportedly republished illegally in Korea, c.1987.)
  118. Gazdar, Gerald and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1985): Computationally relevant properties of natural languages and their grammars. New Generation Computing 3, 273–306.
  119. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1985): On two recent attempts to show that English is not a CFL. Computational Linguistics 10.3–4, 182–186.
  120. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1985): Logic, syntax, and grammatical agreement. Proceedings of '84 Matsuyama Workshop on Formal Grammar, ed. by Susumu Kubo, 125–152. Logico-Linguistic Society of Japan, Tokyo University of Science. (Revision of How complex could an agreement system be?, 1984, item 99.) Abstract appears in Abstracts of '84 Matsuyama Workshop on Formal Grammar, compiled by Susumu Kubo, 33–36; Matsuyama University, Matsuyama, Japan, 1984.
  121. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1985): Such that clauses and the context-freeness of English. Linguistic Inquiry 16, 291–298.
  122. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1985): Assuming some version of X-bar theory. In William H. Eilfort, Paul D. Kroeber, and Karen L. Peterson, eds., CLS 21 Part I: Papers from the General Session at the Twenty-First Regional Meeting, 323–353. Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago IL. (Also distributed as memo no. SRC-85-01, Syntax Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz.)
  123. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1985): Memo from AVC re divisional placement of Linguistics Department. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 3, 107–112. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  124. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1985): No trips to Stockholm. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 3, 265–270. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  125. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1985): The linguistics of defamation. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 3, 371–377. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  126. 1986

  127. Gazdar, Gerald and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1986): A note on subcategorization, constituent order, and the notion 'head'. York Papers in Linguistics 12, 67–74.
  128. Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editors (1986): Handbook of Amazonian Languages, Volume 1. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin; xiv + 642pp.
  129. Postal, Paul M. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1986): Misgovernment. Linguistic Inquiry 17, 104–110.
  130. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1986): On the relations of IDC-command and government. In Mary Dalrymple, Jeffrey Goldberg, Kristin Hanson, Michael Inman, Chris Piñon, and Stephen Wechsler, eds., Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Volume 5, 192–206. Stanford Linguistics Association, Stanford, California.
  131. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and William A. Ladusaw (1986): Phonetic Symbol Guide. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois; xxx + 266pp. (Second printing, with corrections, 1988. Third printing, 1989.)
  132. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Arnold M. Zwicky (1986): Phonological resolution of syntactic feature conflict. Language 64, 751–773. (Earlier version circulated as Memo no. SRC-85-03, Syntax Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz, June 1985.)
  133. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1986): Proposition 63: Write sonnets, not initiatives. Santa Cruz Sentinel, Sunday, September 28, A-21.
  134. Arnold M. Zwicky and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1986): The Principle of Phonology-Free Syntax: Introductory remarks. Working Papers in Linguistics 32, 63–91. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
  135. Arnold M. Zwicky and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1986): Two spurious counterexamples to the Principle of Phonology-Free Syntax. Working Papers in Linguistics 32, 92–99. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
  136. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1986): A guest of the state. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 4, 283–289. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  137. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1986): Footloose and context-free. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 4, 409–414. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  138. 1987

  139. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1987): Natural language interfaces and strategic computing. Artificial Intelligence and Society 1, 47–58. (Longer version distributed as Working Paper No. 5 of the Silicon Valley Research Group, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1984.)
  140. Postal, Paul M. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1987): Expletive noun phrases and movement to subcategorized positions. In Megan Crowhurst, ed., Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Volume 6, 247–264. (Later revised version published as "Expletive noun phrases in subcategorized positions", item 132.)
  141. Arnold M. Zwicky and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1987): Plain morphology and expressive morphology. In Jon Aske, Natasha Beery, Laura Michaelis, and Hana Filip, eds, Berkeley Linguistics Society: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting, General Session and Parasession on Grammar and Cognition, 330–340. Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, California.
  142. Dan Flickinger, Marilyn Friedman, Mark Gawron, John Nerbonne, Carl Pollard, Geoffrey Pullum, Ivan Sag, and Tom Wasow (1987): The HP-NL test suite. In the preprints of the Forum on Evaluating Natural Language Systems at the meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Stanford University, July 6.
  143. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1987): Trench-mouth comes to Trumpington Street. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 5, 139–147. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  144. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1987): Nobody goes around at LSA meetings offering odds. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 5, 303–309. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  145. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1987): Seven deadly sins in journal publishing. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 5, 453–459. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  146. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1987): Here come the linguistic fascists. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 5, 603–609. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  147. 1988

  148. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Arnold M. Zwicky (1988): The syntax-phonology interface. In Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey; Volume I, Linguistic Theory: Foundations, ed. by Frederick J. Newmeyer, 255–280. Cambridge University Press.
  149. Gazdar, Gerald; Geoffrey Pullum; Robert Carpenter; Ewan Klein; Thomas Hukari; and Robert Levine (1988): Category structures. Computational Linguistics 14, 1–19. Republished in French translation as 'Les structures de catégories', Chapter 6 of Traitement automatique du langage naturel: Formalismes syntaxiques, 245–281, ed. by Philip Miller and Thérèse Torris. Hermès, Paris, 1989. (Earlier versions circulated as memo no. SRC-86-01, Syntax Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz, October 1986, and as report no. CSLI-87-102, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, July 1987.
  150. Postal, Paul M. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1988): Expletive noun phrases in subcategorized positions. Linguistic Inquiry 19, 635–670. (Expanded from 'Expletive noun phrases and movement to subcategorized positions' [1987, item 123], substantially revised and rewritten after heavy refereeing.)
  151. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1988): Implications of English extraposed irrealis clauses. In Ann Miller and Joyce Powers, eds, ESCOL '87: Proceedings of the Fourth Eastern States Conference on Linguistics, 260–270. The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
  152. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1988): Some lists of things about books. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 6, 283–290. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  153. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1988): Citation etiquette beyond thunderdome. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 6, 579–588. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  154. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1988): Review of The White Plague by Frank Herbert and And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts. Summer Reading 1988, p. 2. Kresge College, University of California, Santa Cruz, California.
  155. 1989

  156. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1989): The form of presentation of the International Phonetic Alphabet. (Kiel working group coordinators' reports, no. 4.) Journal of the International Phonetic Association 18.2, 77–84.
  157. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1989): Prospects for generative grammar in the 1990s. In Frederick H. Brengelman, Vida Samiian, and Wendy Wilkins, eds., Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics, Volume 2: 1989, 257–276. Department of Linguistics, California State University, Fresno, California.
  158. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1989): Mailer madness: The seven stages of electronic mail addiction. Interface: Computing and Telecommunications Services News 24.1, 15.
  159. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1989): Review of An Introduction to Formal Language Theory, by Robert N. Moll, Michael A. Arbib, and A. J. Kfoury. Computational Linguistics 15, 262–263. (Cover says "Reviewed by Geoffrey K. Pullman". Sigh.)
  160. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1989): Formal linguistics meets the boojum. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 7, 137–143. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  161. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1989): The great Eskimo vocabulary hoax. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 7, 275–281. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  162. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1989): The incident of the node vortex problem. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 7, 473–479. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  163. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1989): The final curtain. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 7, 605–610. (TOPIC...COMMENT series.)
  164. 1990

  165. Chris Barker and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1990): A theory of command relations. Linguistics and Philosophy 13, 1–34.
  166. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1990): Constraints on intransitive quasi-serial verb constructions in modern colloquial English. Working Papers in Linguistics 39, 218–239. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
  167. Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editors (1990): Handbook of Amazonian Languages, Volume 2. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. xx + 479pp. With an introduction by the editors, 1–12.
  168. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1990): Remarks on the 1990 revision of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 20, 33–40.
  169. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1990): Review of Mathematics of Language, ed. by Alexis Manaster-Ramer. Journal of Linguistics 26, 259–265.
  170. Kornai, András and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1990): The X-bar theory of phrase structure. Language 66, 24–50. (Earlier version distributed as Technical Report CSLI-89-137, Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 1989; 23pp.)
  171. 1991

  172. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Arnold M. Zwicky (1991): Condition duplication, paradigm homonymy, and transconstructional constraints. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 252–266. Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, California.
  173. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1991): English nominal gerund phrases as noun phrases with verb phrase heads. Linguistics 29, 763–799. Abridged version in Rosemarie Tracy, ed., Who Climbs the Grammar Tree: A Festschrift for David A. Reibel. Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, Germany, 1992.
  174. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1991): The Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax and Other Irreverent Essays on the Study of Language. With a Foreword by James D. McCawley. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois. x+236pp.
  175. Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editors (1991): Handbook of Amazonian Languages, Volume 3. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. xii + 517pp. With an introduction by the editors, 1–18, and a cumulative index to volumes 1–3 by Chris Barker and Geoffrey K. Pullum, 501–517.
  176. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1991): Context-free languages. In The Oxford International Encyclopaedia of Linguistics, volume 1, 298–300. Oxford University Press, London.
  177. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1991): Learnability. In The Oxford International Encyclopaedia of Linguistics, volume 2, 322–324. Oxford University Press, London.
  178. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1991): Mathematical linguistics. In The Oxford International Encyclopaedia of Linguistics, volume 2, 395–401. Oxford University Press, London.
  179. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1991): Review of Antilinguistics: A Critical Assessment of Modern Linguistic Theory and Practice, by Amorey Gethin. Computational Linguistics 17, 240–242.
  180. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1991): Review of Mathematical Methods in Linguistics, by Barbara Partee, Alice ter Meulen, and Robert E. Wall. Journal of Linguistics 28, 563–570.
  181. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and William A. Ladusaw (1991): Unknown vowels and uncharted space. A Festschrift for William Shipley, edited by Sandra Chung and Jorge Hankamer, 245–270. Syntax Research Center, Santa Cruz, California.
  182. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1991): Wordsalad: CD ROMs turn linguists' heads. Lingua Franca, June 1991, 37–38. (Published anonymously because of unacceptable editorial changes enforced.)
  183. 1992

  184. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Arnold M. Zwicky (1992): A misconceived approach to morphology. The Proceedings of the Tenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. by Dawn Bates, 387–398. Stanford Linguistics Association, Stanford, California.
  185. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1992): The origins of the cyclic principle. In Jeanette Marshall Denton, Grace P. Chan, and Costas P. Canakis (eds.), CLS 28: Papers from the 28th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 1992, Volume 2: The parasession: The cycle in linguistic theory, 209–236. Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Linguistic Society. (Presented at the 28th Regional Meeting and submitted for publication April 1992; circulated as publication no. SRC-92-01, Syntax Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz, July 1992; printing of CLS volume delayed till March 1993.)
  186. Philip Miller, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Arnold M. Zwicky (1992): Le principe d'inaccessibilité de la phonologie par la syntaxe: trois contre-exemples apparents en français. Lingvisticae Investigationes 16, 317–343. (Dated 1992, appearance delayed till 1993.)
  187. 1993

  188. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1993): Playing on or around. California Linguistic Notes 24.1 (fall 1992/winter 1993), 1–3.
  189. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1993): [Untitled comments on scholarly communication in an electronic environment.] In Robert Sidney Martin (ed.), Scholarly Communication in an Electronic Environment: Issues for Research Libraries, 107–114. Chicago, Illinois: Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association.
  190. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Eric Potsdam, editors (1993): Syntax At Santa Cruz, Volume 2. Santa Cruz, California: Linguistics Research Center; viii + 112pp.
  191. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1993): Linguistic categories. The Encyclopedia of Languages and Linguistics, Volume 2, ed. by R. E. Asher and J. M. Y. Simpson, 478–482. Oxford/New York/Seoul/Tokyo: Pergamon Press.
  192. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1993): Review of Principle-Based Parsing, ed. by Robert C. Berwick, Steven P. Abney, and Carol Tenny. Computational Linguistics 19, 393–396.
  193. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1993): Review of Affirmative Action and the University: A Philosophical Inquiry, ed. by Steven M. Cahn. Teaching Philosophy 16, 366–369.
  194. 1994

  195. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1994): Linguistic theories and linguistic engineering: Notes toward a consumer's guide to choosing grammatical theories for applications in natural language processing. In Byung Soo Park (ed.), Linguistic Studies on Natural Language, Kyung Hee Language Institute Monograph One, 151–195. Seoul, Korea: Hanshin Publishing Company. N. d.; c. 1994.
  196. 1995

  197. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Barbara C. Scholz (1995): Review of Twentieth Century Conceptions of Language: Mastering the Metaphysics Market, by Rudolph P. Botha. Language 71, 157–160.
  198. 1996

  199. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and William A. Ladusaw (1996): Phonetic Symbol Guide, Second Edition. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois.
  200. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1996): Nostalgic views from Building 20. Review article on The View from Building 20: Essays in Linguistics in Honor of Sylvain Bromberger, ed. by Kenneth Hale and Samuel Jay Keyser. Journal of Linguistics 32, 137–147.
  201. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1996): Learnability, hyperlearning, and the poverty of the stimulus. Jan Johnson, Matthew L. Juge, and Jeri L. Moxley (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting: General Session and Parasession on the Role of Learnability in Grammatical Theory, 498–513. Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley, California. (Dated 1996, published May 1997.)
  202. 1997

  203. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1997): Language that dare not speak its name. Nature 386, 27 March 1997, 321–322. DOI: (Commentary about the Oakland Unified School District "Ebonics" controversy. Subtitle: 'Proposals by a school board in California to recognize the dialect used by most of its pupils unleashed a ferocious media attack. Why did the press get things so wrong, and why were the proposals so virulently ridiculed?')
  204. Philip Miller, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Arnold M. Zwicky (1997): The Principle of Phonology-Free Syntax: Four apparent counterexamples in French. Journal of Linguistics 33, 67–90.
  205. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1997): The morpholexical nature of to-contraction. Language 73, 79–102. (Earlier version distributed as research paper number LRC-96-01, February 1996. Linguistics Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz, under the inadvisably verbose title 'Headed morphological derivatives arising from diachronic fusion of auxiliary verbs: English to-contraction as morphology.')
  206. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Barbara C. Scholz (1997): Theoretical linguistics and the ontology of linguistic structure. In Timo Haukioja, Marja-Liisa Helasvuo, and Matti Miestamo, eds., SKY 1997: Suomen kielitieteelisen yhdistyksen vuosikirja 1997 [1997 Yearbook of the Linguistic Association of Finland], 25–47. Turku, Finland: Suomen kielitieteelinen yhdistys.
  207. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1997): Does this man ever sleep? Review of Noam Chomsky: A Life of Dissent, by Robert F. Barsky. Nature 386, 24 April 1997, p. 776. (Barsky published a flame against this review after Paul Postal and I published in the LINGUIST List 8-755 a criticism of Feargal Murphy for repeating Barsky's half-truths. See Barsky's piece in the LINGUIST List 8-764. I replied to Barsky in the LINGUIST List 8–765.)
  208. 1998

  209. Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editors (1998): Handbook of Amazonian Languages, Volume 4. With an introduction by the editors, and a cumulative index to all four volumes, superseding the one in volume 3. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin. x + 648 pp.
  210. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1998): When language doesn't add up. Nature 392, 9 April 1998, 562–563. (A review of Twice As Less: Black English and the Performance of Black Students in Mathematics and Science, by Eleanor Wilson Orr.)
  211. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and William A. Ladusaw (1998): Vowel charts and central vowel transcriptions in American and IPA traditions. Publication of the American Dialect Society 80: Conference Papers on American English and the International Phonetic Alphabet, ed. by Arthur J. Bronstein, 7–33. Tuscaloosa and London: The American Dialect Society. (Revised version of Unknown vowels and uncharted space, 1991.)
  212. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Arnold M. Zwicky (1998): Gerund participles and head-complement inflection conditions. In The Clause in English: In Honour of Rodney Huddleston, ed. by Peter Collins and David Lee, 251–271. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  213. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1998): Use and abuse. (Letter about African American vernacular English.) The Australian's Review of Books Sydney, Australia, September 9, 1998, p. 32.
  214. 1999

  215. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1999): Generative Grammar. In Frank C. Keil and Robert A. Wilson (eds.), The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, 340–343. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. (The the electronic version of the encyclopedia is at
  216. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1999): Review of An Introduction to the Languages of the World, by Anatole Lyovin. Language 75, 360–362.
  217. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (1999): African American Vernacular English is not Standard English with mistakes. In The Workings of Language: From Prescriptions to Perspectives, ed. by Rebecca S. Wheeler, 39–58. Westport, CT: Praeger. (Title link is to a 1Mb scan. Browsable HTML version available here.)
  218. Rachel Walker and Geoffrey K. Pullum (1999): Possible and impossible segments. Language 75, 764–780.
  219. 2000

  220. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2000): Formal linguistics and the ordinary working grammarian. In Michael Henderson (ed.), 1999 Mid-America Linguistics Conference Papers, 1–24. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press.
  221. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2000): Scooping the loop snooper: An elementary proof of the undecidability of the halting problem. Mathematics Magazine 73.4 (October 2000), 319–320. This item is a restatement of a theorem due to Alan Turing saying in effect that whether a given computer program will eventually halt when run on specified input data is inherently unsolvable. The proof is restated in verse in the style of Dr Seuss (I swear I'm not making this up). Despite a year-long refereeing process, Mathematics Magazine published a version with an unnoticed minor error, which I later corrected. The revised and corrected version reprinted in the Liben-Nowell book cited above can be seen in browsable HTML form here. Permission is hereby given for it to be reproduced for non-profit educational purposes, but please use only the revised version linked here, not the flawed version in Mathematics Magazine. And please note that I cannot authorize versions translated into foreign languages (several attempts have been made, but I have been told that they were very bad).
  222. 2001

  223. Miller, Philip and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2001): Review of A Descriptive Approach to Language Theoretic Complexity by James Rogers. Computational Linguistics 27, 304–308.
  224. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Barbara C. Scholz (2001): On the distinction between model-theoretic and generative-enumerative syntactic frameworks. In Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics: 4th International Conference (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2099), ed. by Philippe de Groote, Glyn Morrill, and Christian Retoré, 17–43. Berlin: Springer Verlag. (The 14-page PDF 2-up version linked above is almost identical with the published version.)
  225. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2001): Grammar has dialects; spelling does not. Sydney's Child 12, no. 3 (March 2001), 30–31.
  226. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Barbara C. Scholz (2001): Language: More than words. Nature 413 (issue no. 6854, 27 September 2001), 367. (In the `Concepts' series.)
  227. 2002

  228. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2002): Review of Tree Adjoining Grammars: Formalisms, Linguistic Analysis, and Processing, ed. by Anne Abeillé and Owen Rambow. Computational Linguistics 28, 77–80.
  229. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2002): Transgressing the unknown laws of grammar. Campus Review Sydney, Australia, April/May 2002, p. 27.
  230. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2002): Ain't grammar good enough? The Australian, Books Extra section, Saturday, May 25–26, 2002, front cover and pp. 2–3. (The title on the page is 'Ain't grammar good enough?'; the cover teaser was Where did all the grammar go?).
  231. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2002): A matter of words. The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Australia), Saturday, May 25, 2002, p.5.
  232. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum et al. (2002): The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge University Press; xvii + 1842 pp. Prepared in collaboration with John Payne (Ch 5 and Ch 15), Peter Collins and Anita Mittwoch (Ch 8), Peter Peterson (Ch 12), Betty Birner and Gregory Ward (Ch 16), Lesley Stirling (Ch 17), Frank Palmer (Ch 18), Laurie Bauer (Ch 19), Geoffrey Nunberg and Ted Briscoe (Ch 20), and also David Denison and David Lee (various advice and assistance throughout). Reviewed in Australian Book Review; Avui (Barcelona, Spain); Computational Linguistics; Contemporary Review; English Studies; European English Messenger; Journal of Linguistics; Language; Library Journal; Linguistics and English Language; Modern Language Review; The Age Melbourne, Australia; The Guardian Review United Kingdom; The Indexer; The Times Higher Educational Supplement; and elsewhere.
  233. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Barbara C. Scholz (2002): Empirical assessment of stimulus poverty arguments. The Linguistic Review 19, 9–50. (This paper incorporates and supersedes my paper "Learnability, hyperlearning, and the poverty of the stimulus", item 175 above in 1996.)
  234. Scholz, Barbara C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2002): Searching for arguments to support linguistic nativism. The Linguistic Review 19, 185–223. (A response to six critiques of "Empirical assessment of stimulus poverty arguments", item 201 above.)
  235. Henton, Caroline and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2002): "Whom should I say is calling?" Prescriptive grammar from a hundred years ago can ruin a good VUI. Speech Technology, November 2002.
  236. Potts, Christopher and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2002): Model theory and the content of OT constraints. Phonology 19, 361–393.
  237. 2003

  238. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and William A. Ladusaw (2003): Sekai Onseikigō Jiten (Phonetic Symbol Guide, second edition, in Japanese). Tokyo: Sanseido. Japanese translation by Shigeru Tsuchida, Rei Fukui, and Hiroshi Nakagawa.
  239. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2003): Of grammatophobia. The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 3, 2003; Section 2, The Chronicle Review, page B20.
  240. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2003): Phrase structure and X-bar theory. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Volume 3, 659–665. London: Macmillan Reference/Nature Publishing Group.
  241. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2003): Context-free languages. The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, second edition, 24–26. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  242. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2003): Learnability. The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, second edition, 431–434. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  243. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and András Kornai (2003): Mathematical linguistics. The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, second edition, 17–20. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  244. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Barbara C. Scholz (2003): Linguistic models. In Mind, Brain, and Language: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, ed. by Marie T. Banich and Molly Mack, 113–141. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2003. The first printing of this book contained errors that were introduced after all proofreading was over (sigh...). If the phrase structure rules in (2) on page 115 have 6's instead of arrows, click here for the corrigenda.
  245. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2003): English grammar. The European English Messenger 12 (No. 1, Spring 2003), 65–67.
  246. 2004

  247. Akhtar, Nameera; Maureen Callanan; Geoffrey K. Pullum; and Barbara C. Scholz. (2004): Learning antecedents for anaphoric one. Cognition 93, 141–145.
  248. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2004): The classification of finite subordinate clauses. In An International Master of Syntax and Semantics: Papers Presented to Aimo Seppänen on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday (Gothenburg Studies in English, 88), ed. by Gunnar Bergh, Jennifer Herriman, and Mats Mobärg, 103–116. Göteborg, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
  249. (Title link is to typescript. Original is now unobtainable.)
  250. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2004): Adverbs & demons: Just how good is the former English teacher's English? In Secrets of Angels and Demons: An Unauthorized Guide to the Best-Selling Novel, ed. by Dan Burstein and Arne de Keijzer, 366–370. New York: CDS Books.
  251. 2005

  252. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2005): A Student's Introduction to English Grammar. (viii+312pp). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (Second edition now available; see 2022 entries.)
  253. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2005): No foot in mouth. In Untidy: The Blogs on Rumsfeld, selected and introduced by Tom Sumner, 27–29. Wilsonville, Oregon: William, James & Co.
  254. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Barbara C. Scholz (2005): Contrasting applications of logic in natural language syntactic description. In Petr Hájek, Luis Valdés-Villanueva, and Dag Westerståhl (eds.), Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress, 481–503. London: College Publications Department of Computer Science, KCL, The Strand, London WC2R 2LS, U.K. (Copyright remains with the authors, so the PDF available here is fully legal.)
  255. 2006

  256. Liberman, Mark and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2006): Far From the Madding Gerund and Other Dispatches from Language Log. Wilsonville, Oregon: William, James & Co. xvi + 360pp. (Published May 1, 2006.)
  257. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2006): Review of Marcus Kracht's book The Mathematics of Language. The Mathematical Intelligencer 28, 74–78.
  258. Scholz, Barbara C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2006): Irrational nativist exuberance. In Robert Stainton (ed.), Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science, 59–80. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. [Book translated into Chinese by Xiaoai Yang, and published by China Science and Publishing, 2015.] (Uncorrected page proof version linked above [21 pages, PDF] is not definitive; we did make a correction or two, so please consult the published version before quoting in print).
  259. Huddleston, Rodney, and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2006): Some remarks about The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. English Studies 87, 740–751.
  260. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2006): Coordination and subordination. Bas Aarts and April McMahon (eds.), The Handbook of English Linguistics, 198–219. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  261. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2006): Does our language influence the way we think? In E. M. Rickerson and Barry Hilton (eds.), The Five-Minute Linguist: Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages, 70–74. London: Equinox.
  262. 2007

  263. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2007): Kemburijji Gendai Eigo Bumpō Nyūmon [Cambridge Introduction to Modern English Grammar]. Tokyo: Cambridge University Press. (Japanese edition of item 216. Chief translator Kunitoshi Takahashi. Associate translators Toshitaka Kodo, Junko Takahashi, Takeshi Tsurusaki, and Masahito Watanabe.)
  264. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2007): Ungrammaticality, rarity, and corpus use. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 3, 33–47. (The reading version of the text linked above [PDF; 119KB, 10pp] is not definitive.)
  265. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Kyle Rawlins (2007): Argument or no argument? Linguistics and Philosophy 30(2), 277–287. (Published version available from SpringerLink at authorized sites; reading version of the text linked above (PDF, 125KB, 10pp) is not definitive.)
  266. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2007): The evolution of model-theoretic frameworks in linguistics. In James Rogers and Stephan Kepser (eds.), Model-Theoretic Syntax at 10 (proceedings of the MTS@10 workshop, August 13–17, organized as part of ESSLLI 2007, the European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information), 1–10. Dublin, Ireland: Trinity College Dublin. (The file linked above [PDF, 10 pp] is slightly revised and corrected from the published version.)
  267. Payne, John, Rodney Huddleston, and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2007): Fusion of functions: The syntax of once, twice, and thrice. Journal of Linguistics 43, 565–603.
  268. Scholz, Barbara C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2007): Tracking the origins of transformational generative grammar. Journal of Linguistics 43, 701–723. (Review article on Marcus Tomalin, Linguistics and the Formal Sciences. Version linked above is uncorrected proof; minor errors have been corrected. Please quote only from the printed version.)
  269. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Barbara C. Scholz (2007): Systematicity and natural language syntax. Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7 (no. 21), 375–402.


  270. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2008): Desmond Derbyshire (1924–2007). Mary Ruth Wise, Robert A. Dooley and Isabel Murphy (eds.), Fifty Years in Brazil: A Sampler of SIL Work 1958–2008, 7–16. (Portuguese translation, 17–26.) Dallas, TX: SIL International. Earlier version on The LINGUIST List 19.1, December 30, 2007 (Published online at; subsequently edited and and corrected version available here.)


  271. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2009): 50 years of stupid grammar advice. The Chronicle of Higher Education 55 (32), 17 April 2009, Chronicle Review section, B15. (3-page ready-to-print PDF version here.)
  272. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2009): Response to Anderson. Language 85, 245–247. (Letter dated February 16, 2009. Title link: 3-page PDF typescript.)
  273. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2009): Computational linguistics and general linguistics: the triumph of hope over experience. EACL 2009 Workshop, "The Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous, Vicious or Vacuous?" Held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the European Chapter of the Association of Computational Linguistics (EACL), Athens, Greece, 30 March 2009. Published on the web at
  274. Geoffrey K. Pullum and Barbara C. Scholz (2009): For universals (but not for finite-state learning) visit the zoo. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (5), 466–467.
  275. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2009): Lexical categorization in English dictionaries and traditional grammars. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 57 (3): 255–273. (Title link: final proofs.)


  276. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2010): The truth about English grammar: Rarely pure and never simple. In Tien-en Kao and Yao-fu Lin (eds.), A New Look at Language Teaching & Testing: English as Subject & Vehicle, 16–39. Taipei, Taiwan: Language Training and Testing Center.
  277. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Barbara C. Scholz (2010): Recursion and the infinitude claim. In Harry van der Hulst (ed.), Recursion and Human Language (Studies in Generative Grammar 104), 113–138. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. (Title link: typescript, not printed version. One typo is corrected: the published version gives the date of Epstein & Hornstein 2005 incorrectly as 2004.)
  278. Payne, John; Rodney Huddleston; and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2010): The distribution and category status of adjectives and adverbs. Word Structure 3(1), 31–81. (Title link: corrected page proofs.)
  279. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2010): The land of the free and The Elements of Style. English Today 102 (vol. 26, no. 2, June 2010), 34–44. (Title link is to an 8-page typescript version. Browsable HTML version here.)
  280. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2010): Creation myths of generative grammar and the mathematics underlying Syntactic Structures. Christian Ebert, Gerhard Jäger and Jens Michaelis (eds.), MOL 10/11: The Mathematics of Language, 238–254. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), 6149. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
  281. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Hans-Jörg Tiede (2010): Inessential features and expressive power of descriptive metalanguages. In Anna Kibort and Greville Corbett (eds.), Features: Perspectives on a Key Notion in Linguistics, 272–292. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 19 August 2010. (Title link: May 2010 page proofs; there are some errors, so please quote only from the book. An earlier version was published in Philippe de Groote, ed., Proceedings of FG 2008: The 13th conference on Formal Grammar, 95–111, CSLI online publications.)
  282. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2010): Good argument for breaking with tradition. (Review of Analysing Sentences, by Noel Burton-Roberts.) Times Higher Education 1,972 (4 November 2010), Textbook Guide supplement, viii.
  283. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2010): These ‘rules’ are already broken. (Review of Strictly English: The Correct Way to Write . . . and Why It Matters, by Simon Heffer.) Times Higher Education 1,973 (11 November 2010), 56. (Title link: published version; click here for a version that has page references which the Times Higher Education house style did not allow me to include. Browsable HTML version here.)


  284. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011): Art of pushing all the right buttons. (Review of Don Norman, Living With Complexity.) Times Higher Education 1,983 (27 January 2011), 54.
  285. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011): Humbug about hucksters. (Review of Julie Sedivy and Greg Carlson, Sold on Language: How Advertisers Talk to You and What This Says about You.) Times Higher Education 1,995 (21 April 2011), 54.
  286. Giegerich, Heinz and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2011): Foreword to Collateral Adjectives in English and Related Topics by Tetsuya Koshiishi (European University Studies, Series 21: Linguistics, vol. 359), xiii-xiv. Bern: Peter Lang.
  287. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011): On the mathematical foundations of Syntactic Structures. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20, 277–296. (Title link: near-final draft, PDF format, 18 pages. The final publication available only at the website [DOI 10.1007/s10849-011-9139-8] has errors pointlessly introduced by the typesetters' retyping some of my formulae for unknown reasons. For example, in the first line of example (4) there is supposed to be a linebreak before "Each".)
  288. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011) Linguistics for computability theorists. In Hristo Ganchev, Benedikt Löwe, Dag Normann, Ivan Soskov, and Mariya Soskova (eds.), Models of Computation in Context: 7th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 27 - July 2, 2011: Abstract and Handout Booklet, 2–4. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press and Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University.
  289. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011): Bold approach to art of persuasion. (Review of Ward Farnsworth, Farnsworth's Classical English Rhetoric.) Times Higher Education 2,011, 50.
  290. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011): Inflammatory language. Times Higher Education 2,012, 26.
  291. Rogers, James and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2011): Aural pattern recognition experiments and the subregular hierarchy. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20, 329–342. (Earlier version in UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics: Mathematics of Language 10, 2007.
  292. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011): Chasing me! The Chronicle of Higher Education, 7 October 2011, The Chronicle Review section, p. 2. (Print version of a Lingua Franca post.)
  293. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011): Learnability. Oxford Bibliographies Online. (Direct URL here, but subscription is required to read the full content.)
  294. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011): Write-offs? We'll show you something to make you change your mind. Times Higher Education 2,026 (24–30 November), 40–43. (Contents page title: "Late Risers".)
  295. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2011): Barbara C. Scholz, 1947–2011. Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, November issue, 177–179. Newark, DE: American Philosophical Association. (Browsable HTML version here.)
  296. Scholz, Barbara; Francis Jeffry Pelletier; and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2011): Philosophy of linguistics. In the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (, Metaphysics Research Lab, CSLI, Stanford University. Winter 2011 edition (December 21, 2011). Free access via


  297. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2012): Review of The Science of Language: Interviews with James McGilvray, by Noam Chomsky. Times Higher Education 2,044 (5 April 2012), 51. Title link is to typescript; the published version here is now behind a paywall.
  298. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2012): The ‘However’ Myth. The Chronicle Review, 22 June 2012, p. B2. Print version of a Lingua Franca blog post.


  299. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2013): The central question in comparative syntactic metatheory. Mind and Language 28 (4), 492–521. (Title link: uncorrected proofs.)
  300. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2013): Consigning phenomena to performance: A response to Neeleman. Mind and Language 28 (4), 532–537. (Title link: uncorrected proof — and there are quite a few corrections.)
  301. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2013): The cognitive revolution: Is it here yet? The Chronicle Review, 11 October 2013, p. B2. (Print version of a Lingua Franca post.)
  302. Payne, John; Geoffrey K. Pullum; Barbara C. Scholz; and Eva Berlage (2013): Anaphoric one and its implications. Language 89.4, 794–829. (Title link: single-spaced PDF typescript. 1.7Mb PDF of Language publication here.)


  303. Miller, Philip, and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2014): Exophoric VP Ellipsis. In Philip Hofmeister and Elisabeth Norcliffe, eds., The Core and the Periphery: Data-Driven Perspectives on Syntax Inspired by Ivan A. Sag, 5–32. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. (Published February 2014. Title link: near-final proof version.)
  304. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2014): Fear and loathing of the English passive. Language and Communication 37, 60–74. (Title link is to single-spaced PDF typescript, 16pp, A4 paper. Browsable HTML version here.)


  305. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2015): On the myth that passives are wordy. eSENSE [magazine of the Society of English-Native-Speaking Editors in the Netherlands], 37, 1–5.
  306. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2015): The unfortunate divorce of English grammar from English literature. Philologist: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture [Филолог — часопис за језик, књижевност и културу: University of Banja Luka, Bosnia] 6, no. 11, 9–20. Published journal version accessible here: DOI:
  307. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2015): Words and the limits of your world. Babel: The Language Magazine 13 (November 2015), 22–23.
  308. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2015): The unsuitability of English. The Chronicle Review, 11 December 2015, p. B2. (Print version of a Lingua Franca post.)


  309. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2016): English grammar and English literature. Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz and Jon Ortiz de Urbina, eds., On the Move: Glancing Backwards to Build a Future in English Studies, 25–38. Bilbao, Spain: Universidad de Deusto.
  310. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2016): Mensiversaries. The Chronicle Review (The Chronicle of Higher Education, section B), October 7, 2016, p. B2. (Print version of this post.)


  311. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2017): Defending the split infinitive. The Economist, January 21st, p. 14. (Letter.)
  312. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2017): Watching Adverbs. 24 Tips for Teaching Writing. Focus: The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2017, 18–19. (Print version of a Lingua Franca post.)
  313. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2017): Being an Apostrophe. In 24 Tips for Teaching Writing (Focus section), The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 2017, 24–25. (Print version of a Lingua Franca post.)
  314. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2017): Theory, data, and the epistemology of syntax. Grammatische Variation: Empirische Zugänge und theorische Modellierung (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Jahrbuch 2016), ed. by Marek Konopka and Angelika Wöllstein, 283–298. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. (Title link is to near-final typescript.)
  315. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2017): The usage game: catering to perverts. Chapter 11 of English Usage Guides: History, Advice, Attitudes, ed. by Ingrid Tieken-Boon von Ostade, 177–196. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Title link is to near-final typescript.)


  316. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2018): Slurs and obscenities: lexicography, semantics, and philosophy. Chapter 8 of Bad Words: Philosophical Perspectives on Slurs, ed. by David Sosa, 168–192. Oxford University Press. (Title link is to near-final typescript.)
  317. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2018): Intuition and decidability in grammar and number theory. In K + K = 120: Papers dedicated to László Kálmán and András Kornai on the occasion of their 60th birthdays. (Online version available in HTML here and PDF here. Print edition in preparation, expected early 2019.)
  318. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2018): Linguistics: Why It Matters. Cambridge: Polity Press (book description here).


  319. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2019): Formalism, grammatical rules, and normativity. In James McElvenny (ed.), Form and Formalism in Linguistics, 197–223. Berlin: Language Science Press.
  320. Huddleston, Rodney and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2019): Modern and traditional descriptive approaches to grammar. Chapter 10 of Bas Aarts, Jill Bowie, and Geri Popova (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of English Grammar, 201–221. Oxford University Press.
  321. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2019): Philosophy of linguistics. Chapter 3 of Kelly Michael Becker and Iain Thomson, eds., The Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1945–2015, 49–59. Cambridge University Press. Publication date November 21st.
  322. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2019): What grammars are, or ought to be. In Stefan Müller and Petya Osenova (eds.), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Bucharest, 58–78. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. Online at


  323. Sag, Ivan A.; Rui P. Chaves; Anne Abeillé; Bruno Estigarribia; Dan Flickinger; Paul Kay; Laura A. Michaelis; Stefan Müller; Geoffrey K. Pullum; Frank Van Eynde; and Thomas Wasow (2020): Lessons from the English auxiliary system. Journal of Linguistics 56, 87–155. Published online at
  324. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2020): Theorizing about the syntax of human language: A radical alternative to generative formalisms. Cadernos de Linguística (Brazil) 1(1), 1–33. Online open access at and 27-page typescript here.
  325. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2020): English language. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford University Press. Published online at (published 30 June 2020).
  326. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2020): Waiting for Universal Grammar. In Current Controversies in Philosophy of Cognitive Science, ed. by Adam J. Lerner, Simon Cullen, and Sarah-Jane Leslie, 29–43. New York: Routledge. (Title link: final typescript. Use published version for quotation or citation.)


  327. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2021): A question of antecedents. National Review 73 no. 4 (8 March 2021), 42–44. Online version entitled "The use and abuse of they".


  328. Huddleston, Rodney; Geoffrey K. Pullum; and Brett Reynolds (2022): A Student's Introduction to English Grammar, 2nd edition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (Publication dates: UK and Europe 25 November 2021; digital worldwide 19 January 2022; North America 23 March 2022.)

  329. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2022): Chomsky's forever war. National Review 74 no. 4 (March 7), 36–40. Published online February 17.

  330. Pullum, Geoffrey K. [溥 哲 夫] (2022): 语言学为什么重要 [wei4 shen2 me yu3 yan2 xue2 zhong4 yao4: Why Linguistics Is Important]. Beijing, China: Peking University Press, July 2022. (Translation into Mandarin Chinese of Linguistics: Why It Matters, item 280 above.)

  331. Miller, Philip and Geoffrey K. Pullum (2022): La tête du groupe nominal: l'hypothèse du DP dans les théories génératives. [“The head of the nominal phrase: the DP hypothesis in generative theories.”] In Evelyne Chabert, Laure Gardelle, and Laurence Vincent-Durroux (eds.), La détermination nominale au prisme de plusieurs approches linguistiques, a special issue of Revue CORELA: Cognition, Représentation, Langage, HS-37. OpenEdition Journals. Online at:

  332. Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Philip Miller (2022): NPs versus DPs: Why Chomsky was right. LingBuzz archive, paper no. 6845. Online at (Revised and expanded version of item 292, translated into English.)


  333. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2023): Review of Rosemary Salomone, The Rise of English: Global Politics and the Power of Language. Sociolinguistic Studies 16(4), 561–567. (Title link is to typescript. Use published version for citation or quotation.)

  334. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2023): Why grammars have to be normative — and prescriptivists have to be scientific. In Joan Beal, Morana Lucač, and Robin Straaijer, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Prescriptivism, 3–16. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (Title link is to corrected typescript.)


  335. Blatt, Michael R.; Andreas Draghun; Geoffrey K. Pullum; Barry Bowman; David G. Robinson; and Lincoln Taiz (2024) Does electrical activity in fungi function as a language? Fungal Ecology 68, 101326 (April 2024). Published online 2 January 2024 (DOI:
    Note the useful discussion by Mark Liberman on Language Log here.

  336. Pullum, Geoffrey K. (2004) The Truth About English Grammar. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. Published in UK on 28~June 2024; to appear in USA and the rest of the world on 10 September 2024.


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