Commentary on James R. Hurford

Abstract: 50 words
Main Text: 1095 words
References: 322 words
Total text: 1095 words

Ventral vs. dorsal pathway: the source of the semantic object/event and the syntactic noun/verb distinction?

Markus Werning
Department of Philosophy
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
Universitätsstraße 1
Düsseldorf, D-40225




Experimental data suggest that the division between the visual ventral and dorsal pathways may indeed indicate that static and dynamical information is processed separately. The ventral pathway primarily generates representations of objects, while the dorsal pathway produces representations of events. The semantic object/event distinction relates to the morpho-syntactic noun/verb distinction.


By presuming that expressions of language exhibit certain logical forms and by mapping these forms onto regions of cortex, Hurford tries to reduce conceptual structures to neural events. Although I agree to this two-step method, I recently presented a methodically similar approach (Werning, 2001, 2003a) that arrives at different conclusions with regard to the cortical realization of object and property concepts: (i) A property concept is identified with the column(s) of neurons that code for the property in question. The application to the ventral/dorsal division leads to the conjecture that property concepts are located both in the ventral and the dorsal stream. However, the ventral stream predominantly hosts representations for properties of objects expressed by objectual predicates (e.g., by adjectives like red, vertical or, in more complex cases, by nouns like square, circle), while columns in the dorsal stream predominantly represent properties of events, e.g., the direction or speed of motion. These are expressed by eventual predicates (e.g., by adverbs like downward, quickly or, if complex, by verbs like to fall, to move). (ii) Individual (object and event) concepts are identified with synchronous oscillations. (iii) One or more property concepts F1, ..., Fn are predicated of an individual concept x, i.e., F1(x) & ... & Fn(x), just in case neurons of the columns that code for the properties represented by F1, ... , Fn fire in synchrony, i.e., with the same oscillation function. On the basis of these assumptions it was possible to show how cortical structure semantically realizes a predicate language (Werning, 2003b).

To highlight the differences to Hurford’s proposal, let me first turn to what I call his object-by-position hypothesis (OP): An object concept amounts to the representation of the object's position in space. OP expresses a fairly rich notion of what object representations are because falling under an object concept would be equivalent to having all the positional properties the object concept represents. In other words, being object x requires the possession of certain essential properties, if only positional ones. My view, in contrast, is less demanding and follows Quine’s (1961) dictum: “To be [an individual] is to be the value of a [bound] variable.” Accordingly, an individual concept would be the neural event that binds together neural representations of properties. Following Singer and Grey’s (1995) theory of binding by synchrony, individual concepts should be identified with synchronous oscillations.

Hurford conjoins OP with what I call his position-through-dorsal hypothesis (PD): The dorsal stream (plus superior collicus and pulvinar) is predominantly engaged in the processing of positional information; and particularly not in the processing of property information. A rival view holds that the dorsal stream primarily processes motional information (Wurtz & Kandel, 2000). According to Merigan and Maunsell (1993), the dorsal stream (involving, inter alia, the thick stripes, the middle temporal (MT), medial superior temporal, lateral parietal and ventral parietal areas and area 7a) receives input predominantly from the magno pathway via lateral geniculate nucleus. Recall that magno cells have excellent dynamic (temporal) resolution, while the parvo cells contributing mainly to the ventral stream have much better static (spatial) resolution. Furthermore, MT of the dorsal stream seems to be paradigmatically involved in motion processing. The dorsal pathway can thus be regarded as carrying mainly dynamic, i.e., eventual information (prototypically motion), while the ventral stream seems to be preoccupied with static, i.e., objectual information (prototypically color and form). It thus remains an empirically still unsettled issue whether the ventral/dorsal division corresponds to a distinction between property (“what”) information and positional (“where”) information or to one between objectual and eventual information. Wurtz and Kandel (2000) review a large amount of data from lesions in humans and monkey that support the second option.

Even if one accepts OP and PD, it would be rash to conclude that object concepts are delivered exclusively by the dorsal stream. For, if property concepts are processed by the ventral stream, what then is the mechanism of predication, i.e., the mechanism of binding an object concept to a property concept? Hurford gives no answer. Theorists who identify individual (object and event) concepts with oscillation functions, in contrast, have shown in detail how the neurons of one column can be modeled as oscillators so that the Gestalt principles are honored, according to which neighboring elements with similar properties are likely to belong to one and the same individual (Schillen & König, 1994, Maye, 2002, Werning, 2003b). According to this view an individual concept is generated within hyper-columns by synchronizing and de-synchronizing connections. Since columns serve as property concepts, there is no anatomical separation between the processing of property and individual concepts.

Summing up the critical arguments, one may contrast Hurford’s view with an alternative hypothesis: Property concepts and individual concepts alike are processed in the ventral and dorsal stream. However, the dorsal stream is predominantly occupied with the representation of events, which are dynamic in nature. It hosts concepts of eventual properties and generates individual event concepts. The ventral stream, on the other hand, tends to produce representations of objects. It hosts objectual property concepts, which are static in nature, and generates individual object concepts. This ontological division in objects and events reflects a structure that is well known from the logical analysis of language and thought (Varzi & Pianesi, 2000). A sentence of the form “A red circle is slumping” has to be analyzed by quantification over an object (the red circle) and an event (the slumping): ($x$e)(RED(x) & CIRCLE(x) & SLUMPING(e) & AGENT_OF(x,e). The mental representation expressed by the sentence, hence, consists of two objectual property concepts (RED and CIRCLE), one individual object concept (x), one eventual property concept (SLUMPING) and one individual event concepts (e). According to the alternative hypothesis, the neural realization of RED and CIRCLE should be columns of neurons in the ventral stream (e.g. V4). There should be an oscillation among them that corresponds to the object concept x. Furthermore, the property concept SLUMPING is expected to be realized by columns of neurons in the dorsal stream (e.g. MT) and those neurons are predicted to oscillate synchronously in a way described by the oscillation function e.

The alternative theory would, moreover, allow us to aim at a neurobiologically founded explanation of the origin of the morpho-syntactic noun/verb dichotomy. Although its universality has bee disputed, there seems to be rich evidence that it holds (Mithun, 2000, Croft, 2000). Nouns and their modifiers, adjectives, prototypically denote objects and their properties, while verbs and their modifiers, adverbs, prototypically refer to events and their properties. Since the alternative hypothesis suggests that the semantic object/event distinction correlates with the ventral/dorsal division, one might conjecture that this division, at least in evolutionary terms, is the origin of the noun/verb distinction.



Croft, W. (2000). Parts of speech as language universals and as language-particular categories. In P. M. Vogel & B. Comrie (Eds.), Approaches to the typology of word classes (p. 65-102). Berlin: de Gruyter.

Maye, A. (2002). Neuronale Synchronität, zeitliche Bindung und Wahrnehmung. Ph.D. thesis, TU Berlin, Berlin.

Merigan, W. H., & Maunsell, J. H. (1993). How parallel are the primate visual pathways? Annual Review of Neuroscience, 16, 369-402.

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Pianesi, F., & Varzi, A. C. (2000). Events and event talk. In J. Higginbotham, F. Pianesi, & A. C. Varzi (Eds.), Speaking of events (p. 3-47). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Werning, M. (2003a). Synchrony and composition: Toward a cognitive architecture between classicism and connectionism. In B. Loewe, W. Malzkorn, & T. Raesch (Eds.), Applications of mathematical logic in philosophy and linguistics (p. 261-278). Dordrecht: Kluwer.

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