Peter Ackema
Linguistics and English
University of Edinburgh
Dugald Stewart Building
Edinburgh EH8 9AD
Tel. +44 131 6503495
Fax +44 131 6503962
e-mail packema at ling dot ed dot ac dot uk
This academic year (2018-2019),
I will be Course Organiser for LEL 2E: Structure
and History of European Languages and for Morphology. I will also teach the morphology and syntax modules in
Linguistics and English Language 1A.
More information about these courses can be found at their respective Learn
pages and the course handbooks on the LEL departmental web pages (homepage at, but if there
is anything you would like to know that is not answered there just send me an
e-mail at the address above.
Personal Tutor
If you want to make an
appointment with me as your Personal Tutor, the easiest way to arrange a
meeting time is by sending me an e-mail at the address mentioned above (rather
than using the 'request a meeting' facility in Euclid). It will normally be
possible to meet at short notice.
My work is in the area of
theoretical syntax and morphology. I am especially interested in topics that
concern the interaction between these two modules of grammar, such as agreement,
incorporation, correlations between the inflectional make-up of a language and
its syntactic behaviour (e.g. pro drop, verb movement), lexical integrity
effects, and phrasal derivation. A lot of this work is focused on Dutch and other
Germanic languages, but not exclusively so. A complete list of publications can
be found here. Some pre-publication
versions of papers can be accessed via my 'Edinburgh Research Explorer' page,
which is here.