Lesley Gourlay

Framing and task boundaries in L2 classroom discourse

In this paper I will begin by looking at some of the features and complexities of the L2 classroom discourse setting, going on to look briefly at previous studies of the structure of L2 classroom discourse in a variety of contexts. After outlining my main research focus and specific research questions, I will go on to look at Goffman's "frames", and how they may be applied to the analysis of this variety of discourse. Describing the data collection procedures employed recently in the pilot case study and the initial analysis in progress, I will also describe how the pilot results are informing and refining the initial set of research questions, and how modifications may be made to the research design in terms of data collection. To illustrate this process, I will concentrate on one issue in particular arising from the pilot - the nature of teacher and student discourse over "task boundaries", and how these transitions are negotiated between the discourse participants. It will conclude by outlining the next steps in the study.

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