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PGC 2002

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Postgraduate Conference 2002

Monday 27th & Tuesday 28th May 2002

Organisers: Susana Cortes Pomacondor, Christine Haunz,
Virve Vihman & Takeshi Ishihara.

The Postgraduate Conference (PGC) is annually held:

  • to provide postgraduate students (PhD students in particular) a forum in which they can present their latest work and gain experience in conference presentation;
  • to give students and staff members an opportunity to learn what other PhD students are working on; and
  • to bring a sense of closure to the end of the academic year - a check point people can refer back to in order to assess the progress they have made.
Postgraduate students, second year or later, are required to give a talk. Details about the PGC 2003 will be announced later.

Any queries to: PGC organisers