
All talks are in room 3.10/3.11 on the 3rd floor of the Dugald Stewart Building. All refreshment breaks are in the common room on the 7th floor.

Day 1: Wednesday, 1st June 2016
Chaired by Vanessa Kuek
09:00–09:45 Panel Session: The Dissertation Experience
09:45–10:30 Chris Tancock (Elsevier)  An Introduction to Writing in Academic Journals: How to Get Published
10:30–11:15 Mits Ota  Choosing the right statistical tests
11:15–12:00 Break
Plenary 1
Chaired by Elyse Jamieson
12:00–13:00 Antonella Sorace  Complex contingencies: Where L1 and L2 converge in late bilingualism
13:00–14:00 Lunch (🌯 provided)
Session 1
Chaired by Jon Carr
14:00–14:25 Kate Repnik  Monolingual & Bilingual: Putative Impact of Infants’ Language Experience on Disambiguation of Novel Word-object Mappings and their Retention
14:25–14:50 Marieke Woensdregt, Kenny Smith, Chris Cummins & Simon Kirby  The Cultural Co-evolution of Language and Mindreading
14:50–15:15 Kevin Stadler  Neutral Models of Language Change
15:15–15:35 Break (☕️ provided)
Session 2
Chaired by Marieke Woensdregt
15:35–16:00 Yasamin Motamedi  From Pantomime to Systematic Sign: The Emergence of Structure in Artificial Sign Languages
16:00–16:25 Jon W Carr  Using Iterated Learning to Reveal Biases for Well-structured Meanings in Language
16:25–16:50 Carmen Saldana, Simon Kirby & Kenny Smith  The Cultural Evolution of Complexity in Linguistic Structure
16:50–17:00 Break
Session 3
Chaired by Daniel McColm
17:00–17:25 Zhixia Yang  A Corpus-Based Discoursal Study of Rhetorical Questions (RQs) in the Framework of Relevance Theory
17:25–17:50 Ai Zhong  Chinese Borrowings in the OED
17:50–18:15 Adam Scott Clark  A Corpus Linguistic Approach to Policy and the Implications of Putonghua in Job Advertisements in Hong Kong
19:00–22:00 Conference dinner (Ox184)
Day 2: Thursday, 2nd June 2016
Session 4
Chaired by Daniel Lawrence
09:50–10:15 Fernanda Barrientos  What Can Reaction Times Tell Us about L2 Categories? Perception of the /ɑ–ʌ/ Contrast by Native Speakers of Spanish
10:15–10:40 Ahmeda M Altoate  The Potential for Error: An Effective Method to Measure the Language Learners’ Errors
10:40–11:00 Break (☕️ provided)
Session 5
Chaired by Adam Scott Clark
11:00–11:25 Jill Haldane  ‘This Idea Needs Re-expressing’: Linguistic Variation in Written Feedback from EAP Teachers on EASP Postgraduate Academic Writing
11:25–11:50 Henriette Arndt  Learning outside of the Classroom in the Digital Age: The What, Why and How of Online Informal Language learning
11:50–12:15 Dimitrios Chaidas & Georgia Maniati  Viewpoints of Greek as a Second Language
12:40–13:40 Lunch (🌯 provided)
Session 6
Chaired by Yasamin Motamedi
13:40–14:05 Reham Al Rassi  Biliteracy and Linguistic Distances effect on Executive Functions
14:05–14:30 Ruth E. Corps, Abigail Crossley, Chiara Gambi & Martin J Pickering  I Hadn’t Finished Speaking! The Role of Content and Length Predictions during Question Answering
14:30–14:55 Mirjam Elisabeth Eiswirth  When Do I Speak the Way You Speak? Analysing Accommodation in Interaction
14:55–15:15 Break (☕️ provided)
Session 7
Chaired by Michela Bonfieni
15:15–15:40 Mengying Xia  Cross-linguistic Influences on the Acquisition of Metaphorical Expressions
15:40–16:05 Wenjia Cai  Language Attrition at the Syntax-discourse Interface: A Longitudinal Study of Chinese English Bilinguals
16:05–16:30 Maki Kubota  Attrition of Referential Choice in Bilingual Children: Investigating the Role of Input
16:30–16:40 Break
Session 8
Chaired by George Starling
16:40–17:05 Daniel Lawrence  Resistance to Phonetic Change in York, Northern England
17:05–17:30 Fabienne Westerburg  How Do We Deal with Vowel Articulation?
17:30–17:55 Zac Boyd  Sibilant Variation and Indexing ‘Gayness’ in L2 English Speaking French and German Men
18:00–21:00 BBQ/picnic in the Meadows or drinks in the pub
Day 3: Friday, 3rd June 2016
Session 9
Chaired by Maki Kubota
09:00–09:25 Elyse Jamieson  Tag Questions and Exclamatives in Glasgow Scots
09:25–09:50 Anna Hollingsworth  Focus on Contrast: Discourse-features in Finnish
09:50–10:15 Aristeidis Palamaras  Clausal Structure and Re-projective Head Movement
10:15–10:35 Break (☕️ provided)
Session 10
Chaired by Stephanie Demarco
10:35–11:00 Nico Sommerbauer  No Negation Is not Ambiguous: Negative Raising
11:00–11:25 Daniel McColm  Multiple Source Constructions in Language Change: A Case Study
11:25–11:50 James Baker  Split Intransitivity in English in Cross-linguistic Perspective
11:50–12:00 Break
Session 11
Chaired by Carmen Saldana
12:00–12:25 Xin Chen  Gerunds vs. Present Participles
12:25–12:50 Ekhlas Ali Mohsin  Blend-Formation, from English to Other Languages
12:50–13:15 Daisy Smith  Older Scots Atonic e in Word‑final and Covered Inflectional Positions
13:15–13:40 Nicholas Carroll  Frege, Politics, and the ‘Orthodox View’ of Language
13:40–15:00 Lunch and Elsevier Best Presentation Award (🌯 provided)
Plenary 2
Chaired by Elyse Jamieson
15:00–16:00 Josef Fruehwald  Evaluating the inevitability of a sound change: Short-a in Philadelphia (joint work with Betsy Sneller)
16:00–18:00 Wine reception (🍷 provided)