This is an archive page; this conference occurred in May 2006.
The site for the 15mfm is available here.
![]() |
Manchester Phonology Meeting |
With a
special session entitled...
Fieldwork and phonological
Dan Everett, Larry Hyman, Keren Rice
In light of the recent sad news of the
death of Peter
Ladefoged, and the theme of this year's special session, the 14mfm is
dedicated to
Thursday 25th - Saturday 27th May 2006
Held at Hulme
Hall, Manchester
Organised through a
collaboration of phonologists at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Manchester,
the Universite Toulouse-Le Mirail, the Universite Montpellier-Paul Valery
and elsewhere.
programme +
info || travel +
accommodation || registration + booking
|| special
The full programme (with various bits of information and the abstacts for the special session) is available in pdf form here.
A zipped
version of the pdf abstract booklet is available here (sadly still
rather large: 3MB).
The list of participants is available here.
Notes for
poster-presenters: The poster displays should be set up on the
evening before the relevant poster session. You will have a space of about 5'
(wide) x 3'9" (high) (152 cm wide x 114 cm high) for your poster. Each person
presenting a poster will be provided with the means to affix their posters
to the display board. Please feel free to bring handouts with you, so that
those viewing your poster also have something to take away. Posters in
previous years have taken a wide variety of forms, and there is no one single
way to produce a good poster; the important things are that the font size is not
too small, that it is easily readable, that it sets out the main points that you
want to argue for clearly, and maybe that it's eye catching, too. Some
presenters bring one big poster which takes up all the space, others bring a
series of A3 or A4 sheets of paper which can be fitted together on the poster
board. During your poster session, you will be asked to stand by your poster
(for at least a fair amount of the session) as conference participants walk
around the displays, read your posters and ask you questions about
Registration and booking
No more bookings can now be processed, given that the 5th May deadline
is passed. If you would still like to come to the 14mfm, please email immediately. We may be able to fit you in, but this may not now be possible.
Detailed information on accommodation possibilities and on how to get to the conference (with a selection of maps) are provided on separate pages:
A special themed session has been organised for Friday
afternoon by members of the organising committee and the advisory board. This
will feature invited speakers and will
conclude in an open discussion session when contributions from the audience will
be very welcome.
Fieldwork and
Phonology Theory
Phonological theory and fieldwork maintain a
symbiotic relationship that has enriched both during their histories. On the one
hand, data and analyses from the field have enabled phonological theory to
develop a broader and more in-depth understanding of the nature of the knowledge
of human sound systems by extending the "parameters of the possible" from those
that might be hypothesized from, say, European languages alone. Yet on the other
hand, phonological theory has equipped fieldworkers with, arguably, ever more
useful and insightful questions with which to interrogate the sound systems of
the world's languages. The purpose of this special session is to consider ways
in which both phonological theory and field research can continue and strengthen
this important symbiosis in the 21st century, an era of improved speech analysis
technology, easier travel, greater and more empowered participation from native
speakers in field research, and a wider range of theoretical models based on an
ever-widening range of languages. Some of the papers in this session will focus
on new empirical results that illustrate the need for and means of developing
greater interactions between field research and theoretical phonology. Questions
that will be asked in this session include those like the following: (i) how can
linguistic training better equip future linguists to be both theoreticians and
fieldworkers, undermining the idea that these need be different people? (ii) how
should developments in theoretical research, such as Optimality Theory,
Dispersion Theory, Government Phonology and Articulatory Phonology, affect field
research? (iii) how can new technology have an impact on the methodology of
fieldwork? (iv) how is ongoing fieldwork affecting theoretical research in
nontrivial ways? what are some current examples? Papers in the session will also
address the logically prior crucial question: what is phonological field
Speakers (in alphabetical
Dan Everett (University of
Manchester, UK)
Larry Hyman
(University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Keren Rice (University of
Toronto, Canada)
In light of the recent sad news of the death of Peter
Ladefoged, the organisers of the Manchester Phonology Meeting ('mfm') would
like to dedicate this meeting to his memory, to show our great respect for his
work. We feel that this is especially appropriate as the meeting will feature a
special session on 'Fieldwork and Phonological Theory'. Ladefoged's contribution
to the development of phonological fieldwork and thus to our knowledge of the
phonology of the world's languages is, of course, immeasurable.
The first named is the convenor and main
organiser - if you would like to attend or if you have any queries
about the conference, please feel free to get in touch with me
(, or phone +44 (0)131 651 1838).
Patrick Honeybone (University of Edinburgh)
Ricardo Bermudez-Otero (University of Manchester)
Wiebke Brockhaus-Grand
(University of Manchester)
Philip Carr (Universite de Montpellier-Paul Valery / ERSS, Toulouse-Le Mirail )
Durand (Universite de Toulouse-Le
Advisory Board
Beckman (Iowa)
Mike Davenport (Durham)
L. Everett (Manchester)
Foulkes (York)
S.J. Hannahs
(Newcastle upon Tyne)
John Harris
Kristine A. Hildebrandt
Martin Kramer (Tromso)
Lodge (UEA)
April McMahon
van Oostendorp (Meertens Instituut)
Piggott (McGill)
Curt Rice (Tromso)
Catherine O. Ringen
Tobias Scheer (Nice)
James M. Scobbie (QMUC)
Marilyn M. Vihman
Moira Yip (UCL)
The site is hosted by the department of Linguistics and English
Language at the University of Edinburgh.
Page created by Patrick Honeybone
Last updated May 2006