All talks and workshops are in room LG.09 in David Hume Tower. Lunches and the wine reception are in the common room on the 7th floor of the Dugald Stewart Building.

Day 1: Monday, 29th May 2017
Chaired by Tian Li
09:30–10:15 Rob Truswell & Candice Mathers (University of Edinburgh) The Dissertation Experience [slides]
10:15–11:00 Iain Davidson (Institute for Academic Development) Presenting at Conferences [slides, recommended talks]
11:00–11:45 Hannah Rohde (University of Edinburgh) Research methodologies [slides]
11:45–12:00 Break
Plenary 1
Chaired by Mirjam Eiswirth
12:00–13:00 John Joseph (University of Edinburgh) ‘Language contains society’: Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement interpreted through Benveniste’s Last Lectures (and vice-versa)
13:00–14:00 Lunch (DSB common room)
Session 1
Syntax • Chaired by Tom Wood
14:00–14:25 Marwan Jarrah (Newcastle University) A closer look at syntax of clausal complements of factive verbs in Jordanian Arabic
14:25–14:50 Anna Hollingsworth (University of Cambridge) Calling Finnish speakers: Evidence for speaker and hearer syntax from discourse particles
14:50–15:15 Ali Alzayid (University of Edinburgh) The syntax of sentential negation in Abha Arabic dialect
15:15–15:40 Sherry Yong Chen (University of Oxford) Double topicalisation, syntax does constrain!
15:40–15:50 Break
Session 2
Applied linguistics • Chaired by Adam Scott Clark
15:50–16:15 Chia-Ying Yang (University of Edinburgh) Practiced language attitudes: A case of mother tongue education in Taiwan
16:15–16:40 Oun Almesaar (University of Essex) Emerging self-identities and emotions: A qualitative case study of ten Saudi students in the UK
16:40–17:15 Break
Session 3
Language acquisiton • Chaired by Kate Repnik
17:15–17:40 Sakine Çabuk (Middle East Technical University) A cross-linguistic approach to adpositions in third language acquisition
17:40–18:05 Sharifa Al Harrasi (University of Stirling) Think aloud protocols: A window into the minds of how English as a foreign language students process feedback
19:00 Conference dinner (wahaca)

Day 2: Tuesday, 30th May 2017
Session 4
Historical linguistics • Chaired by Jade Sandstedt
09:00–09:25 Daisy Smith (University of Edinburgh) Scary statistics and historical linguistics
09:25–09:50 Hiroshi Yadomi (University of Glasgow) Language, identity and community: The use of third-person neuter possessives of early modern preachers
09:50–10:15 Sergio López Martínez (University of Oviedo) Discourse and topicalization in old English subordination
10:15–10:25 Break
Session 5
Psycholinguistics • Chaired by Ruth Corps
10:25–10:50 Michela Bonfieni (University of Edinburgh) Mechanisms of cognitive control in bilinguals: The empirical generalizability of the ‘bilingual advantage’
10:50–11:15 Yangzi Zhou, Holly Branigan, & Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh) Effects of conceptual accessibility and similarity in simple sentence production in Mandarin
11:15–11:40 Alina Konradt (University College London) Syntactic priming and animacy effects in Russian-speaking children
11:40–12:05 Katerina Pantoula (University of Edinburgh) Parsing wh-questions: Evidence from L1-Greek adults and implications for bilingual learning
12:05–13:05 Lunch & poster session (DSB common room)
12:05–13:05Poster session (level 7)
Qingyuan Gardner, Vicky Chondrogianni, & Holly Branigan (University of Edinburgh) The influence of temporal context on the production of temporal morphology in L2 speakers of English
May Ouma (Meisei University) Indirectness in the face of cultural competency
David A. J. Warren (University of Aberdeen) Phonetic preaspiration of word-final voiceless fricatives in North East Scotland
Hu Xiaoyi (University of Edinburgh) Exploring young learners' foreign language anxiety in China
Session 6
Evolutionary linguistics • Chaired by Andres Karjus
13:05–13:30 Jon Carr (University of Edinburgh) Iterated learning optimizes for simplicity
13:30–13:55 José Segovia Martín & Mónica Tamariz (University of Edinburgh) Population dynamics effects on the evolution of communicative conventions
13:55–14:20 Fausto Carcassi (University of Edinburgh) Squaring a line: How similar are gradable adjectives to quantifiers?
14:20–14:45 Asha Stewart (University of Edinburgh) I see what you did there: The role of iconicity in the acquisition of signs
14:45–14:55 Break
Session 7
Pragmatics/semantics • Chaired by Luca Bevacqua
14:55–15:20 James E. M. Reid (University of Edinburgh) Free adjuncts and discourse structure
15:20–15:45 Ivana Králiková (Masaryk University-Brno) Construction grammar and lexical polysemy: A case study of the verb feed in two argument structure constructions
15:45–15:55 Break
Session 8
Sociolinguistics, phonetics, & discourse analysis • Chaired by Victoria Dickson
15:55–16:20 Johannes Woschitz (University of Edinburgh) A scientific realist stance towards sociolinguistic metatheory
16:20–16:45 Rachel Moyer (University of Edinburgh) The United States of ‘Merica: Indexicality and Twitter hashtag use
16:45–17:10 Fabienne Westerberg (University of Glasgow) The changing Swedish /iː/ vowel: Evidence from three central Swedish cities
17:30–19:30 Potluck picnic in the Meadows
20:00–21:30 Rachel Moyer Language tour of Edinburgh

Day 3: Wednesday, 31st May 2017
Session 9
Evolutionary linguistics • Chaired by Jon Carr
09:00–09:25 Jonas Nölle (University of Edinburgh) Linguistic niche or academic niche? The role of language-external biases in language evolution
09:25–09:50 Marieke Woensdregt, Simon Kirby, Chris Cummins, & Kenny Smith (University of Edinburgh) The cultural co-evolution of language and mindreading
09:50–10:15 Svenja Wagner (University of Edinburgh) Investigating effects of morphological types and their word formation patterns in SLA
10:15–10:25 Break
Session 10
Language acquisition • Chaired by Wenjia Cai
10:25–10:50 Hyowon Kwon & Vicky Chondrogianni (University of Edinburgh) The development of tense morphology by Welsh-English bilingual children with and without Specific Language Impairment (SLI)
10:50–11:15 Francesca D’Angelo (University of Edinburgh) Instructed vs. uninstructed bilinguals: The role played by metalinguistic awareness in third language acquisition
11:15–11:25 Break
Session 11
Syntax • Chaired by Tom Wood
11:25–11:50 Eisa Alrasheedi (Newcastle University) On the structure of possessive ħagg in free state nominals in Haili Arabic
11:50–12:15 Rebwar Tahir (Newcastle University) The noun phrase in central Kurdish: A projection of D (DP) not Num (NumP)
12:15–12:40 Callum Hackett (Newcastle University) Variational models of language acquisition: The best is still not good enough
12:40–13:30 Lunch (DSB common room)
Session 12
Corpus linguistics & discourse analysis • Chaired by Adam Scott Clark
13:30–13:55 Emma Franklin (Lancaster University) A corpus-lexicographical discourse analysis of the verb ‘destroy’
13:55–14:20 Ming Ni (University of Stirling) Master’s students’ language use of their first and second languages in class: A small-scale case study
14:20–14:45 Elena Afromeeva (Friedrich-Schiller University Jena) Strategies of persuasion and argumentation in political rhetoric on example of the inaugural addresses of American, British, Byelorussian, German, and Russian
14:45–15:00 Break
Plenary 2
Chaired by Mirjam Eiswirth
15:00–16:00 Vicky Chondrogianni (University of Edinburgh) The acquisition of case-marking and word order in heritage speakers: Greek heritage children in New York City
16:00–17:30 Wine reception
19:30 Pubs and Wugs: Pub evening